Brothers Info & Dues
Annual Dues
Membership Program
The annual dues for Myrtle Lodge are requested to be paid prior to the December stated meeting for the following year.
Your annual dues are extremely important to your lodge as it is what pays the bills and allows us to buy food and hold events. However, we also rely on extra donations that allow us to do more for the brotherhood overall and at your lodge.
On top of paying your dues please consider making an extra donation to the Sustaining Membership Program below.
Sustaining Membership
This is not a tax deductible donation
Sustaining Membership Program
Myrtle Lodge #108 hereby adopts a Sustaining Member Program to allow any member of the Lodge to voluntarily contribute $100 per year for the benefit of the operating fund of the lodge.
Funds received from the Sustaining Member Program shall be in addition to any dues or assessment by Myrtle Lodge or the Grand Lodge of Washington.
Funds received from the Sustaining Member Program shall be deposited in the operating account of the Lodge and be used for general purposes.
The Secretary of the Lodge shall cause each brother of the Lodge to be informed of the Sustaining Membership Program in February or each year by mail or other communication.
Sustaining Members shall receive a diamond shaped Masonic lapel pin within 90 days of the receipt of the first $100 contribution. Individuals are entitled to wear the lapel pin as long as they are a Sustaining Member of Myrtle Lodge #108.
A suitable plaque shall be mounted in a prominent place in the lodge showing members who are Sustaining Members for the Sustaining Membership year which begins May 1 of each year and ends April 30 of the following year.
Sustaining Members shall be so recognized in the roster of members each year.
Any member who is a sustaining member for ten consecutive years shall be a Sustaining Member Emeritus and be so recognized on the Sustaining Member plaque and in the Lodge roster with no further contribution being necessary. Such member shall be entitled to wear the diamond lapel pin.
Material changes to the Sustaining Member Program shall be by formal amendment in open Lodge. The Worshipful Master or his designee may make administrative adjustments or non-material changes as needed.
Adopted January 16, 2003 by affirmative vote of members present.
John Ezekwugo – Worshipful Master
Ray Zimmerman – Secretary